Over Memorial Day weekend Daddy was gone trout fishing in Arkansas with a buddy from work. So Brookie and Mommy had another camp out. We stayed the night at Mama and Papa's house. Thanks to Mama and Papa for letting us stay. I know we are going to have to take Brookie for a real camp out in the outdoors.
Mommy and Brookie
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Another Camp Out!!
Posted by The Kaimann's at 2:03 PM 0 comments
Swimming at Mama & Papa's Pool
Over Memorial Day weekend we went swimming for the first time this year at Mama and Papa's house. The temperature of the pool was 87 degrees. It was so nice. Brookie loves to swim. We signed her up for swim lessons again this year. She can't wait, she still talks about her lessons from last year. Papa acting silly in the basketball hoop.
Posted by The Kaimann's at 1:53 PM 0 comments
Dixie Chopper Girl!!
We bought a new Dixie Copper lawnmower and when we bought it they gave us a t-shirt, hat , sunglasses and DVD video. Brookie is showing off the goodies they gave us.
Posted by The Kaimann's at 1:51 PM 0 comments
Crappie Fishing at the Farm
Over Mother's Day weekend we went up to my mom and dad's farm. Right now Brooklyn is into the movie "Sandlot". She really likes the part where they go on a camp out, so needless to say when we went to the farm we called it a camp out even though we were staying in a house. Close to the house is Henry Ceaver Lake so we went crappie fishing. Only Uncle Kurt caught all the crappie, while all I caught was bass and bluegill. Poor Brookie and Daddy caught nothing but Brookie had a good time helping us reel in the other fish.
Uncle Kurt, Brookie with her Barbie fishing pole and Daddy.
Posted by The Kaimann's at 1:45 PM 0 comments
Mule Ride
Brookie loves to go for a mule ride on LP. One Sunday afternoon Ben saddled up LP and took Brookie for a ride. She absolutely loves those mules. She knows every one of them by name. If we aren't careful she will be out in the pasture with them. I think we might have a cowgirl on our hands!
Posted by The Kaimann's at 1:40 PM 0 comments
So I no that I have blogged in awhile but we have been so busy lately trying to enjoy this great weather when we have it. Brooklyn got to see BIGFOOT, the monster truck a couple of weeks ago. She kept saying it was a big truck and making noises.
Of course daddy had to get her her first monster truck. She was so excited.
Posted by The Kaimann's at 1:34 PM 0 comments