Friday, October 9, 2009

Stick Tites!!!!

I hope no one has to ever go thru this. Brookie was outside with her daddy and Pa. They were working by the wood pile that Ben had been cutting. Somehow, Brooklyn got over a hundred stick tites in her hair. They came inside and I got the joy of getting them out of her hair. It took me 45 minutes to get all of them out. I ended up putting butter, vegetable oil and spray conditioner in her hair to help them come out easier. No fun at all. I am glad that I was there though because had I not been I am pretty sure her hair would have been cut to the scalp where they were. Now instead we are just going to have all kinds of new growth coming in. Brooklyn has a new rule when she goes outside with her dad. She has to wear a ball cap from now on.

Silly Girls!!!

Bobbi Jo's Baptism

Bobbi Jo got baptized on Sunday September 20 at Sacred Heart.

Mama Debbie and Bobbi Jo

The cake

Mama Kay Kay, Brookie, Ben , me Pa Charlie, Mama Debbie, Bobbi Jo, Papa John and Granny Ruth.

Godparents, Josh and Jesse with Bobbi Jo

Granny Ruth and Bobbi Jo

Mama Kay Kay and Bobbi Jo

More random pics!

Bobbi Jo finally likes the swing after many times of trying it out.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Heritage Festival !

We went to the Heritage Festival in Bowling Green in September. Brooklyn got to ride a pony and had a blast! She also got her face painted. We put Bobbi Jo in the baby contest and she got 1st place in her class!

My Little Dancer!!

Brooklyn started dance and gymnastics the beginning of September. This is her first day of class all dressed up in her leotard. The class is an hour long and she absolutely loves it. Every week she can't wait to go. It is so much fun to watch all of the little ones in class with their leotards on. I hope she continues to like it as much as she does. They have a recital in June for her class.

Random pics!!!

Brooklyn is riding her tricycle pulling Bobbi Jo in the wagon behind her. Bobbi Jo looks like a baby doll to me.