Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Swim Lessons!!!

Last week Brooklyn took her first swim lessons! At the beginning of the week she cried the whole time but by the middle to end of the week she was doing much better. As most of you know she loves to have her picture taken. So I told her that if she didn't cry I would take her picture and it worked. Her instructor was Jessie Horton. She did a great job with her. Since then we have gone swimming and she is a fish! She goes everywhere in the pool by herself(with her life jacket) and tell herself to reach and pull and kick. It is so sweet. I was truly amazed at how much she learned in one week.

Brooklyn with goggles on going under water to pick up an alligator.

Brooklyn crying because they took the goggles off.

Okay so this really scared me. On the second day there Brooklyn jumped off of the diving board. She did it twice and again on the last day of lessons!

Here Brooklyn is learning to go under water and hold her breathe.

Brooklyn is holding onto Jessie and kicking her legs.