Monday, September 29, 2008

Playing in the Creek

All of us went for a walk in our creek the other day. We had a great time exploring. The scenery was beautiful with the rocks, water and different creatures in the water. I thought it would be a great time to get some pics of Brookie.

Brookie liked to take her shoes off and play in the sand.

Brookie on the rock ledge. She is holding a stick in her hand. She kept calling it her gun. She would hold it up and act like she was hunting.

Brookie and Mommy

We saw tiny fish in the creek and this was her expression.

Brookie and Daddy

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Generation Pictures

Over labor day weekend we got some generation pictures taken on the Bauer side of the family. They turned out really good. Comical more than anything. It is very hard to get 3 girls to smile at the same time. I thought everyone would enjoy looking at the pics.You have to go the website and then put in BRANDI KAIMANN in the customer name. Have fun looking.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Bug Bites

Hi everyone just wanted to let you know that we spent half of Sunday in the ER with Brooklyn. Saturday night we were outside and Brookie got bit on the eyebrow by some kind of bug. When we woke up Sunday Morning her left eye was swollen so much that you couldn't even see her eyeball. So we went to ER and after 5 hours later we were sent home with some medicine. She didn't act like it hurt her at all. I think it hurt me more than it did her. It was awful. We went back to the doctor today to make sure the infection isn't any worse. It looks a lot better today. Still swollen some. They said that she might end up with a black eye though. I have pictures but will not be posting them as they are very sad to me. We are one of those lucky set of parents that have a child with very sensitive skin. We will now be using bug spray at all times when outside. But we are on the road to recovery.

Disney On Ice!!!

On Saturday afternoon we went to see Disney on Ice. Alaina and Jack Lawrence went with us. The show was great. It was about the Incredibles that go on a trip to Disney world. I couldn't believe how long the show lasted. Brookie enjoyed it and every time Mickey Mouse left the stage she would ask "Where Mickey GO?". Jack enjoyed himself also. He sat there and watched the whole thing.

Brooklyn shoving her mouth full of popcorn.

Brooklyn smiling for the camera with a mouth full of popcorn.

Jack and Brookie after the show with their souvenirs.

Brookie giving Jack a kiss on the cheek.

Stealing another kiss.

Labor Day..

Over Labor Day weekend we went to my Uncle Dick and Aunt Leslie's home in Arnold. We had a great time catching up with family. My cousin has a son the same age as Brooklyn only 2 months apart. They played great together.

Stefan and Brooklyn watering the flowers on the deck.

Brookie and Stefan smiling for the camera.

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They enjoyed watching Alvin and the Chipmunks. It is one of Brookie's favorite movies. They were dancing to the music in the movie. Here is a short video of them.

Farm Living

One evening we were outside at our shed and over in the bean field 2 baby fawns came out into the field. They stayed there eating and watching us for about 20 minutes. Brooklyn and I walked down to the bean field to take pictures and of course my camera wouldn't work right because it was right at dark. But I did manage to get some pictures of Brooklyn in the bean field.


Last year Ben, Brooklyn and Kenny (our neighbor) were down at the shed and a coon wandered up there. Of course it being coon season and Ben and Kenny being the hunters that they are they had to shoot it. Ben got the hide tanned and said that it is Brooklyn's first coon. So we got the hide back the other day. Brooklyn wasn't to sure of it at first but then she came around to it.

Brookie hugging her coon hide.

A true coon hunter. I told Ben the next one she gets that he needs to get it made into a coon hat.