Monday, September 8, 2008

Bug Bites

Hi everyone just wanted to let you know that we spent half of Sunday in the ER with Brooklyn. Saturday night we were outside and Brookie got bit on the eyebrow by some kind of bug. When we woke up Sunday Morning her left eye was swollen so much that you couldn't even see her eyeball. So we went to ER and after 5 hours later we were sent home with some medicine. She didn't act like it hurt her at all. I think it hurt me more than it did her. It was awful. We went back to the doctor today to make sure the infection isn't any worse. It looks a lot better today. Still swollen some. They said that she might end up with a black eye though. I have pictures but will not be posting them as they are very sad to me. We are one of those lucky set of parents that have a child with very sensitive skin. We will now be using bug spray at all times when outside. But we are on the road to recovery.


Josh, Molly, Makayla & Allison said...

Mom told me about Brookie. Glad to hear she is better. Give her kisses from the Schneiders.