Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter 2009

Easter was a little different this year. Instead of going to Mama and Papa Pralle's house they came to us. Uncle Kurt has pink eye in both of his eyes so they came to our house for breakfast and an egg hunt. We are sorry that Kurt couldn't be there. We hope that you are feeling better soon. Then later that afternoon we went to Ben' Uncle John's house for Easter there. Brooklyn couldn't wait to hunt eggs everywhere that we went. I think that Brookie pretty much ate candy all day long. It's only for one day though. We hope that everyone had a great Easter!

Brookie and Mama Kaimann at Uncle John's. Brookie found the egg with the prize in it. She won the big chocolate Peter Rabbit!!

Brookie and Mama Pralle checking her eggs after the hunt at our house.

The Easter bunny even hid eggs on Brooklyn's new swing set.

Brooklyn is shaking the egg to hear if there is money inside.

Easter morning- what the Easter bunny left for her.

Brookie dying eggs at our house. She kept telling me " This is fun mommy".