We had some family come in from out of town and met them at the zoo for the day and then went to dinner afterwards. It was great seeing everyone and couldn't believe it had been since our wedding since we last saw them. It was a great day to go to the zoo, the weather was wonderful! Brooklyn with the elephants. This is her favorite animal to see every year that we have been to the zoo.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Zoo Time!!!!
Posted by The Kaimann's at 1:46 PM 0 comments
Happy Easter!!!!
I can't believe that Easter is already here and gone this year. Time is just flying by way to quick. This year for Easter we spent it at Mama and Pa Kaimann's house and at Mama and Papa Pralle's house. It was a beautiful day to have a family gathering and an Easter egg hunt!
Bobbi Jo and her godmother Jesse! Thank you Jesse and Aunt Carol for keeping the girls so that mommy and daddy could have an evening out with friends! They had so much fun and can't wait to come back!

Brooklyn and a baby bunny. A girl that works with me had baby bunnies and brought them to work for me to take home for a night so that Brookie could play with them. But come to find out I must be allergic to them because I held one for maybe 2 minutes and couldn't quit sneezing after holding it and my eyes swelled up and itched like crazy. So instead Mama Kay Kay brought the girls to my work so that they could see them.

Makayla and another bunny

Bobbi Jo absolutely loves bath time! She is standing her watching the water fill the tub and is squealing the whole time!

Brookie found some eggs at Mama and Papa Pralle's house.

Posted by The Kaimann's at 1:15 PM 0 comments
Brooklyn turns "4"
Brooklyn turned "4" on March 24. I can't believe that it has been 4 years since she has came into our world. She is growing up so fast everyday and still manages to keep us on our toes all the time. Some of the things that a 4 year old says is unreal! For her birthday we met the grandparents and aunt and uncles and cousins for dinner at Dos Primos. She had a "Little Mermaid" theme party. She is all about her since she has red hair like Brooklyn. Her birthday was a great success. Thanks to Mama and Papa Pralle, Mama and Pa Kaimann, Uncle Kurt, and Uncle Josh, Aunt Molly, Allison and Makayla that came to help Brooklyn celebrate turning "4". She got lots of great gifts and thanks to everyone.Brooklyn in her "Ariel" pajamas and her Ariel doll after the party.
Posted by The Kaimann's at 1:11 PM 0 comments
My Little Princess!!!!!
Bobbi Jo had to get a cranial helmet for flat head syndrome. On the back right side of her head she has a flat spot that was caused from torticollis. It has been a very busy past couple of months for us. She had to go to therapy 3 times a week for 4 weeks for the torticollis and then to a specialist to get her helmet to reshape her head. We are done with therapy now and she will hopefully only have to wear the helmet for 1 more month. In the beginning they told us she would have the helmet for 3-6 months and after our check up last week the doctor told us only 1 more month. That means she would only have to wear it for 2 months total. We are so excited to get it off before hot weather arrives. We have been very thankful that she hasn't made anything over the helmet. We might miss it after she gets it off because she is pulling up and crawling everywhere now. It has worked as great protection for her head when she falls.
Posted by The Kaimann's at 1:00 PM 0 comments
Winter of 2010
Here are some pics from winter of 2010. We spent a lot of time indoors playing and so happy that warm weather is here so that we can be outside. I took the girls for a ride in our new double stroller we got for Christmas from Mary Kay and Charlie. It happened to be a little warmer that day a we couldn't resist going outside. The girls loved getting outside and going for a ride. The stroller worked great. Thanks Mama and Pa.
Posted by The Kaimann's at 12:50 PM 0 comments
End of 2009
So I know it has been a long time since I have posted anything but it has been a very busy year so far for us. So here are a few pics to finish up the year of 2009 for us. I have more to post as I am working on that in my spare time. So keep tuned in for more updates soon.
Bath time is so much fun! Bobbi Jo is 5 months old here.

Bobbi Jo and daddy

The girls on Christmas Eve with their matching pajamas from mommy and daddy.

This is how our Christmas picture turned out for us this year. For some reason it is always hard for Brooklyn to try and cooperate for a family picture, so this is the best one we got!

This is the girls with their Great Grandma Ruth. They get to see her every Thursday and Brooklyn loves going there. She always has great stories to tell me when she gets home from there.
Posted by The Kaimann's at 11:14 AM 0 comments
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Dance Class!!!!
Brooklyn signed up for dance class in September and she absolutely loves it. It is a half hour of gymnastics and a half hour of dance(tap, jazz and ballet). She goes once a week for an hour long class. In November there was parent observation day and we got to sit in on the class. Brooklyn playing dress up in dance class.
Posted by The Kaimann's at 3:52 PM 1 comments