I can't believe that Easter is already here and gone this year. Time is just flying by way to quick. This year for Easter we spent it at Mama and Pa Kaimann's house and at Mama and Papa Pralle's house. It was a beautiful day to have a family gathering and an Easter egg hunt!
Bobbi Jo and her godmother Jesse! Thank you Jesse and Aunt Carol for keeping the girls so that mommy and daddy could have an evening out with friends! They had so much fun and can't wait to come back!

Brooklyn and a baby bunny. A girl that works with me had baby bunnies and brought them to work for me to take home for a night so that Brookie could play with them. But come to find out I must be allergic to them because I held one for maybe 2 minutes and couldn't quit sneezing after holding it and my eyes swelled up and itched like crazy. So instead Mama Kay Kay brought the girls to my work so that they could see them.

Makayla and another bunny

Bobbi Jo absolutely loves bath time! She is standing her watching the water fill the tub and is squealing the whole time!

Brookie found some eggs at Mama and Papa Pralle's house.

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