Sunday, July 5, 2009

Our Little Fish!

Brooklyn once again took swim lessons this year. She took them for 2 weeks this year and it was definitely worth it. She learned so much and I am amazed at what all she can do. Thanks to Marilu and Jessie for teaching her both weeks. As a bribery for not crying I told Brooklyn I would take her to her first movie at the theatre. She was so excited! We went to see "Up" and of course she had to have popcorn. She sat through the whole movie.

This is her peeing in the grass before jumping off the diving board. Marilu told her to go in the grass. It was too funny and had to capture the moment.

Brooklyn diving for rings and sticks.

Jumping off the side of the pool.


Josh, Molly, Makayla & Allison said...

So glad to see Brookie is doing so well swimming. Allison is taking her second week this week and I am amazed at how far she has come also. Now we can all go swimming.

The Schneider's said...

That is AWESOME! Wish we could say the same for Bailey...she's taking lessons this week but has decided she doesn't want to go under the water. Maybe I can use Brooklyn's video as incentive :-)